Take Action

There are several ways you can be a part of the solution. Geoscientists can count themselves as some of the most adventurous and self-reliant people on the planet, so faint-heartedness is not a question with us, but this kind of work is not accomplished by individuals acting alone.

Donate money or other resources.

GPI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation registered in the State of Washington. As such, all contributions are U.S. tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Gifts are absolutely vital to help us fulfill our mission. All donations and revenues will be used to fund existing programs and develop new programs and services consistent with GPI's mission. Thank you for your support!


Become a GPI volunteer!

We welcome your comments and suggestions. We currently don’t have any paid positions open, but we can always find space for committed volunteers. If you are a student, we can support you as an unpaid intern if you are pursuing research interests that are consistent with our objectives.

WGS scientists are experts in Washington State geology. Our vision is to foster a safer, more productive and resilient society that incorporates geology into its regular thought and decision-making processes. GNGS makes it a priority to highlight the role of geoscience in addressing challenges, identifying needs, communicating geoscience information, collaborating, and sharing expertise. We look forward to continuing our partnership!

Tricia R. Sears, Geologic Planning Liaison, Washington Geological Survey